Dear Parent/Carer
Visit to National Space Centre on Monday 28th November 2016
I am pleased to advise you that we will be taking Year 9 students to the National Space Centre on Monday 28th November 2016 for a tour of the Planetarium and to take part in a workshop which will involve programming robots for a mission!
Students will depart the Academy at 8.30am, travelling to the venue via coach and returning to the Academy at approximately 5.00pm. Students will need to bring a packed lunch and are expected to wear full Academy uniform. If your child is currently receiving Free School Meals they will be provided with a packed lunch from the cafeteria. Refreshments and merchandise are available to purchase from the Centre and, therefore, students may bring a small amount of spending money with them. However, I must stress that any money and items which students bring with them on the day are their own responsibility.
The cost of the Visit is £26.00 which will cover the hire of the coach, entrance fee, workshop and tour of the Planetarium.
If you would like your child to attend this Visit, please complete the reply slip below and medical consent form, and return to Student Reception enclosing full payment, no later than Thursday 8th November 2016. Unfortunately, any reply slips received after this date will not be accepted as tickets need to be booked by this date.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Academy on 01582 619700.
Yours sincerely
Michelle Watt