Snapchat – Information for Parents/Carers

    We have been made aware that the latest snapchat update allows access to your location and snapchat stories, even when you think that your privacy settings are set to just “friends”. We would like to advise any snapchat users to review their settings once the upgrade is complete.

    Please ensure that when updated you put yourself as ‘Ghost Setting’ and possible change your setting on Snapchat to ‘Location – Never’ as failure to do this allows everyone worldwide to access your snapchat story.
    NWG MCF Parents Leaflet Single

    At All Saints Academy we take child online safety very seriously.

    As children grow and become more independent, it is only natural that they take this independence online.

    There is a button below which will take you to the directly CEOP’s Reporting page


    Below you will find some videos. These are from CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre), as a parent you can get advice and information from


    In addition to these resources there is also several very helpful guides to online safety here

    If there are any issues arising from anything here that you would like to discuss, please get in touch with your child’s Form Tutor or Head of Year in the first instance.

    5 Smart Rules
