Our Academy Vision is “Living Well Together in Dignity, Faith and Hope”. We aspire to take dignified decisions and afford dignity to all members of our community, regardless of background or circumstance. Our position as a Voluntary Aided Church Academy means that the Christian faith has a central role in all of our actions and decisions. We strive for excellence in all that we do, enabling our students to transform their lives and to hope for happy and successful futures.
SEND information report for All Saints academy Dunstable
Local authorities are required to publish a ‘Local Offer’ in line with the Children and Families act 2014. The local offer explains the support that is available for children and young people with SEND in the local area.
Central Bedfordshire’s local offer can be found at: https://localoffer.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
In conjunction with this, schools are required to publish information about their arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEND.
The following information sets out the support and provision that pupils with SEND can expect at All Saints Academy.
Identifying Children’s Additional Needs
Students with SEND are identified through a number of ways including: information from prior schools, robust transition practices, reading and spelling ages as well as undertaking NFER CATs testing and using other prior data upon entry, specialised assessments, scrutinising progress at assessment points through the year, referrals from school staff, concerns raised by parents and self-referral by students.
Who to contact:
Parents are encouraged to speak to their child’s subject teachers in the first instance should they have any concerns about their child’s progress. Staff with responsibility for pastoral care includes Heads of year and form tutors.
The Special Educational Needs department is led by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator.
The Special Educational Needs team includes:
The team has links with many external agencies that provide additional support including:
Admission for Pupils with SEND
For admissions please refer to the academy admissions policy. Admissions to All Saints Academy are made through Central Bedfordshire. Admission for children with an education, Health and Care plan is undertaken via a separate consultation process. For further information for children with EHCP’s please seek advice from the SEND Officers within Central Bedfordshire Local Authority.
Involving students and parents/ carers in planning support and reviewing outcomes.
It is important to maintain strong home academy links and work closely with parents and students to ensure that wishes and concerns are fully considered. We do this through:
Support available for pupils with SEND
At All Saints Academy our aim is to ensure that all of our students achieve their full potential both academically and socially. We are committed to meeting the needs of students with special educational needs and aim to ensure that all pupils have access to a broad, balanced curriculum including activities outside the classroom such as educational visits.
We recognise that students have special educational needs if they have a “learning difficulty” that calls for special education provision to be made for them.
All teachers are responsible for children with special educational needs and accountable for their progress. For students that require additional input including emotional and social support this may include:
Nurture Provision
A nurture provision is in place to offer enrichment opportunities for young people who display social emotional and mental health needs that require opportunities for more practical activities in their day.
Medical Needs
All Saints Academy works closely with the school nursing service, and other relevant professionals within the local authority to meet the medical needs of children. This may include working alongside parents regarding a Health Care plan to ensure that needs are being met.
Measuring student progress
Every teacher is a teacher of SEND and is therefore responsible for the progress of every student in their class. Student progress is monitored and tracked by Directors of Learning, Leadership team, Heads of year and SENDCO. Parents can also arrange to talk to or meet with subject teachers to discuss subject specific concerns. In addition parents of pupils with SEND are invited to planning meetings with a member of the SEND team. This meeting allows for a review of outcomes and the effectiveness of the current provision in addition to the setting/ revision of targets.
Support and training for Academy staff
All new staff receive SEND and ASD training as part of their induction. Further training is undertaken by the SEND team and teachers at a student subject level.
Lifts are allocated throughout the building; there are also disabled toilets on the first and ground floor.
We strive for all students to be fully included in all aspects of academy life e.g. educational trips, extracurricular activities, and special events. Risk assessments will be undertaken if necessary in liaison with parents to ensure appropriate support is provided.
Transition between phases of education into adulthood
The SEND team work with SENDCos from Primary schools to ensure a transition plan is in place for pupils with EHCPs. Transition work includes liaison with Primary schools transition days and the opportunity for additional transition for identified students. The SEND team work closely with Youth Support Services who can attend annual reviews and who can offer expert advice top pupils and families during the transition process. Students requiring further support during transition into adulthood are identified in liaison with the heads of year and parents are provided with additional transition support.
Complaints regarding children with SEND, about their provision or any other matter should be made following the Academy’s complaints procedure. Complaints for students with SEND will comply with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulation’s 2014 and the Academy complaints procedure in liaison with the SENDCo, and Deputy Principal.
Support and training for parents and carers
All Saints Academy recognise that parents and carers have a vital role to play in the development of the student and they are the true experts on their child. We therefore starve to work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that the special educational needs of students are met appropriately. Parents and carers of pupils with SEND will be invited to review and planning meetings to contribute to action planning for their child. All Saints Academy would like to provide advice and reassurance and parents and carers and will make every effort to inform parents of any organisations both within and outside of the academy that may be of support.
Concerns and questions regarding Special Educational Need and Disability should be directed to:
Kristy Dulieu, Head of Sixth Form – SENDCo
Contact Details: kdulieu@asadunstable.org 01582 619700
SEND Contact Details: SEND@asadunstable.org 01582 619700